Rabu, 02 April 2014

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

The correct answer:
21. Each day, they practiced the piano for hours.
22. the directions to the exercise on page twenty is unclear.
23. During the week,  students eat lunch in the school cafeteria.
24. In the morning after concert, i was tired.
25. Managers discussed the schedule in the office during the meeting.
26.  Everyone must leaves leave the room immediately.
27.  I could sat on the beach for hours.
28.  She will ask you many difficult questions.
29.  The new movie receives good reviews.
30.  We took a new routes to the beach house.
31.  They helped her with the work.
32.  She and Bob came over to visit me.
33.  She lent it to you and I.
34.  We offered her a place to stay.
35.  The soup needs more salt because it does not taste very good.
36.  The girls ran too fast and she fell down.
37.  They sold the car to you and I.
38.  I told his him the truth, but he didn’t believe me.
39.  You and her should look for they them.
40.  Martha was happy when her boss gave her a pay raise.
41.  Just between us, I am not sure if we can trust them.
42.  The travelers lost their way in the storm.
43.  Please tell your brother that i need to talk to him.
44.  The boy got the box and he opened it carefully.
45.  If my friend calls, please ask them to call back later.
46.  Me and my friend are taking a trip.
47.  Our neighbors are going with you and I.
48.  Ghea explained that she and her sister had often eaten at that restaurant.
49.  The students are allowed to ask questions when they doesn’t understand a problem.
50.  Do you know Ben and his wife?

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